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Tips for Always Working Safely in Industrial Estates (Part 2) - Blog & Articles Mark Design - Jasa Pembuatan Website Surabaya Jakarta

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Mark Design - Web Design Surabaya Jakarta. Branding & Digital Marketing Consultant


25 January 2021


SEO Article

Tips for Always Working Safely in Industrial Estates (Part 2)


Always prioritizing the safety, safety and health of employees is a priority that is prioritized by the Jiipe Industrial Zone. All of that is expected, so that the process of working in the Industrial Estate can run comfortably, properly and correctly. The following tips for safe while working in the Industrial Estate.

6. Open yourself to receive input, criticism from employees

This is part of how to deal with an uncomfortable work environment for employees. Encourage employees to report to you about deficiencies, issues, insights into safety issues. This will have an impact on civilizing safety in Industrial Estates.

7. Observation

Observe and study each employee doing work in the Industrial Estate.

8. Keep all machinery and equipment in the Industrial Estate in good condition

Ensure that all machinery and work equipment in the Industrial Estate are in good condition. Also make sure to maintain work shifts, work roster properly.

9. Danger

Conduct routine or frequent inspections in Industrial Estates. Need understanding, the skills to do Hazard Identification with good and right.

10. Conduct a Review

Every year, or whenever there is a change in the Industrial Estate, a work safety guidelines must be reviewed. Begin an annual review by conducting an inspection in the Industrial Estate, and a thorough review of the system, safety program in the Industrial Estate.

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