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3 Recycled Products from Used Plastic Bottles - Blog & Articles Mark Design - Jasa Pembuatan Website Surabaya Jakarta

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Mark Design - Web Design Surabaya Jakarta. Branding & Digital Marketing Consultant


09 November 2022


SEO Article

3 Recycled Products from Used Plastic Bottles


Plastic bottles are often used in everyday life. Starting from drinking bottles, places for drinks, to kitchen spices. This plastic bottle storage container is often used because it is the right size for storage.

If you have finished using the plastic bottle as its main use, you can use it as some other items that you can make from the plastic bottle. Here are 3 recycled products from used plastic bottles.

1. Stationery Case

The first product you can make is a pencil case. When you are at the study table, you definitely need a plastic container to make it easier for you to store your pencils or stationery. By cutting half of the bottle, you can make it a stationery container on your study desk or office desk.

2. Plant Pot

The second is a plant pot. You can turn plastic bottles into plant pots. You can save your expenses to buy plant pots made of stone or clay. You only need to cut a rectangle on the side of the bottle, place the planting medium, after that you can start planting your plants.

3. Piggy bank

The last product is a piggy bank. You can also turn a plastic bottle into a piggy bank by punching holes in the bottle cap or the side of your bottle according to the size that coins and banknotes can fit in. You can also decorate it according to your taste so that you are even more enthusiastic about saving.

For quality plastic bottles or jerry cans, you can buy them from PT. Kadujaya Perkasa. PT. Kadujaya Perkasa provides the best plastic bottle products to complement your restaurant. No need to worry about quality, plastic bottles from PT. Kadujaya Perkasa is the best choice because it has the best quality.

So what are you waiting for? Just buy plastic bottles, HDPE plastic bottles, jerry cans, jerry cans at Kadujaya Perkasa. Jerry can factory in Surabaya, jerry can factory in Jakarta, jerry can factory in Java, Jerrycan factory, hdpe plastic factory, blow molding factory, hdpe jerry can factory, plastic bottle factory in Surabaya, plastic bottle factory in Jakarta, the best complete plastic factory in Indonesia

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