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The meaning of the number on the triangle symbol in the plastic bottle ackaging - Blog & Articles Mark Design - Jasa Pembuatan Website Surabaya Jakarta

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Mark Design - Web Design Surabaya Jakarta. Branding & Digital Marketing Consultant


27 March 2023


SEO Article

The meaning of the number on the triangle symbol in the plastic bottle ackaging


Usually on plastic bottles we often see a number symbol inside a small triangle. The number symbol in the small triangle is the recycling code. However, this does not mean that the packaging can be recycled. The following is the meaning of the number symbols found in the small triangles on a plastic bottle:

1. Poly Ethylene Terephthalate (PET)

This symbol is represented by the number 1 inside a small triangle with the word PET below it. This plastic is clear, strong, and impermeable to gas and water.

2. High Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

This type of plastic is usually used for liquid milk and juice bottles, plastic bottle caps, ice cream containers, and butter packaging. HDPE plastic code 02 is only for one time use.

3. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC)

This plastic with the symbol 03 with the words PVC can be processed into rigid, semi-rigid and soft PVC. Rigid-semi-rigid PVC is strong, clear, and can be deformed with solvents. Usually rigid-semi-rigid PVC is used as bottles for juice, mineral water, vegetable oil, soy sauce, chili sauce, and trays.

4. Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

This type of plastic packaging is strong, flexible, waterproof, has a waxy surface, and is not clear but translucent. The base is used in yogurt cup containers, grocery bags, bread bags and fresh foods, as well as squeezable bottles. Plastic labeled 4 is relatively safe to use for food packaging compared to other plastics.

5. Polypropylene (PP)

This type of plastic is hard but flexible, has a waxy surface, is not clear but is translucent, and is resistant to chemicals, heat and oil. An example is snack packaging. This type of plastic can be used in the microwave. However, its use must be in accordance with the recommendations on the packaging.

6. Polystyrene (PS)

Rigid polystyrene is transparent, glassy or opaque, stiff and brittle. Commonly used for glasses, ice cream cups, jars, and plastic spoons and forks. Meanwhile PS Foam or Styrofoam is like foam, usually white, soft and brittle. Examples of its use are plates, bowls, and trays. To use the PS Code 06 type of plastic packaging, do not use it when it is hot and do not use styrofoam if it is damaged, scratched or deformed.

7. Others Code 7

This symbol is represented by the number 7 in an arrow triangle with the letter O below it. This type of plastic packaging is hard, clear, and thermally stable. Usually used for drinking bottles and gallons. Tips for using it, avoid using drinking bottles or gallons that have changed color and have lots of scratches.

Kadujaya Perkasa is a jerrycan factory, HDPE plastic factory, blow moulding factory, and HDPE jerrycan factory that always provides the best products for consumers. In addition to plastic bottles, we also sell jerrycans. All plastic bottles and jerry cans from Kadujaya Perkasa are safe for children and can be used many times.

If you're looking to buy jerry cans in Surabaya, buy jerry cans in Jakarta, buy jerry cans in Bandung, buy jerry cans in Banten, or buy plastic bottles, just trust Kadujaya Perkasa.

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